10 Days in So. Calif. - Aug. 2016

(Temecula, San Diego, Whittier)

We accepted an invite to attend Corinna's wedding in Temecula on Thursday Aug. 4. Alicia was having a baby shower in Whittier, just outside of LA, on Sunday, Aug. 14. So we decided to join the trips and spend the middle week in San Diego. June got a great deal on a getaway through her timeshare.

Through Facebook, the Donohos saw that we were in San Diego, and told us that they would be there that Mon, Tues, and Wed, so we made arrangements.

Wednesday  Aug 3 - Drove to Brandon's and spent the night. He was with Rumi alone, so he enjoyed the company. Moye was in Germany.

Thursday -

Friday -

Saturday -

Sunday -

Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday - Drove to Whittier.

Saturday - Light party preparation. Not much else.

Sunday - Played golf at Baker L. Short par-61 course, but fun. 3 of Garrett's friends, Olan, Carl, rode with Erich. Good time.

Monday - Drove home.

See the Pics!