My House and Cars

Once upon a time (circa 2000) this is how it looked. The "lawn" was big and boring. Lots of work, little return.

Lindsey's first car, the green '95 Honda. Chris finally retired it.

I have a dream, and it doesn't involve grass to mow.

Five years later (2005) I am almost done. Actually, it was done, then earlier this summer I decided to do it again. With a REAL fake putting green, and a concrete patio and walk.

That redwood tree has really grown!

In 2006 I noticed a big hole in the roof. Chris, Mic, and Larry helped strip the old roof off. Saved some dough, but no fun at all.

Spring '08.


The painting of the green door.

Looking back toward the white and blue tees. I am in love with the patio.

From the black tee. This shot is a BEAR!

See the yard and patio cover.

Cars I Have Loved

My old '56 Ford. Got it my junior year in HS. It was sweet! I gave it to my younger brothers when I got out of the AF. Now Anf owns it. Good times!

The old '76 650 Yamaha. Bought it new and drove it for about 20 yrs. Jamie and Chris on the bike.

Also 'Henri' the '67 VW Bus. Bought it from a coworker soon after arriving in Santa Rosa in about 1985. I drove it everywhere.


The old '79 Porsche. #1 on the "Fun cars I have owned" list. Also #1 on the "Biggest pain-in-the-butt". Wouldn't pass smog one year - the fuel distributor was tired - $2K for a new one - bye, bye.


'95 Dodge 'Love Machine' - the last thing that Kathy and I bought together to tow a power boat. Didn't get that far, thankfully. Gas HOG!


I know that mostly gay men and middle-aged women drive this "cute" car. I thought it was cool, so I bought it slightly used. 2001 PT Cruiser. Drove it for 13 years. Good car!

In 2014, June and I bought a new Subaru Outback. She drove it, I sold the PT to Bruce (a friend) and proceeded to drive June's old car, a nice 2003 Caddy, for about 3 years. A good car, but not one that I would have picked.

So I decided that, while I am still young enough, I wanted a performance car with a manual transmission. I found the perfect one for me, this 2017 Ford Focus ST. Plenty fast enough to scare myself. And to seal the deal, it was $2,000 BELOW what the dealer paid. 


Here is the first THING that I came to love: the 3-speed Schwinn Stingray. Someone stole it while I was in church. I guess I was about 12 or 13 here.