Bay Cruise

On 10-10-10, several lucky winners of a golf tournament were treated to a magical day on SF bay aboard a luxury yacht.

Front left-to-right: Scott/GF, June, myself, Cindy, Rob

Top: Matt/GF


The boat parked at Oakland where the owner took us to lunch at Kincaids. It was an adventure watching him back it into this slip.


This was the only shot of the inside, which was immaculate.


Matt takes the helm while the owner fills us in on a few details.


Rob takes the helm. Rob's company was a proud sponsor of the Redwood Gospel Golf Tourney where we won this as a prize the year before.


It was a complete coincidence that Rob booked the excursion on the same weekend as Fleet week.

However, as we were cruising in the bay, fog loomed at the Golden Gate.

It was very doubtful if the Blue Angles would fly.


This, of course, was the year that the SF Giants won the World's Series!

We listened to a nail-biter against Atlanta (obviously played in Atlanta).

The Giants won in the bottom of the ninth on an Atlanta error.

Here is a recap of the game.


Cupid's Span

A sculpture, "Cupid's Span" was built in 2003 along the Rincon Park area. Resembling Cupid's bow and arrow with the arrow implanted in the ground, the statue was inspired by San Francisco's reputation as the home port of Eros, hence the the stereotypical bow and arrow of Cupid.


The crowds were unbelievable.


As we approached the SF marina area, boats were everywhere, jockeying for position. Two US Coast Guard ships and a SF Police boat was close making everyone 'keep moving'.


The Oracle biplane warmed up the crowd.


The gigantic United airliner circling the bridge.


Fat Albert, the Blue Angles C-130 did some aerial acrobatics.


Then the Blue Angles stole the show.  

Rob took all of these pictures with his big camera.


How many planes is this?


Gigantic seagul flying with the Blue Angles.


Slow fly-by with landing gear down.


Coming right at us. Bone-chilling!


Best shot of the day!