Pine Flat Rd.
  April 2018

David notified us of an Audubon Canyon Ranch (ACR) event led by two Ornithologists - David and Scott. About 15 people showed up for a 4 hour outing, driving up Pine Flat Road in Healdsburg, and stopping at about 6 locations along the way. The professionals do regular bird counts at these locations, on or close to the ACR property.

The weather was perfect and the views were spectacular. Here are some of the birds and scenery that we saw:

(Bird Identification by David and Scott)

Violet-Green Swallow

Black Phoebe

Hooded Oriole

Oriole and California Scrub Jay

Peregrine Falcon

Pacific-slope Flycatcher

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker

Acorn Woodpecker

Red-Tailed Hawk, Juvenile


Gathering at one of the many pullouts

Northeast view off Pine Flat Rd.

Precariously perched Oak

Looking Northwest