Haleakala (pronounced Holly-ah'-ka-la)

Any trip to Maui would not be complete without a drive to the top of the Haleakala, a 10,030 ft mountain, to view the volcanic crater.  It was a long, 2 hr drive, but very scenic. Here is a shot on the way up, looking toward the side of the island from where we came.

See it on the map


From the top looking at the east side of the island, Kahului. This is where they keep the airport. We lucked out because on the way down, we were in the clouds.


Remember the good old days?

I wonder how long she is gonna talk!


The Haleakala Silversword bush. Only grows on this volcano.

Check out it's website.


When we left the flatlands, it was another75 - 80 degree day. At 10,000 ft. it was damned cold and windy. High 40s to low 50s.


The crater looking south east. From the lookout we saw the peak of a mountain on the big island off in the distance.


Some people spend days walking around in this wasteland. We decided it would be worth a couple hours. After all, there are beautiful, warm beaches that were calling. This is called the 'sliding sands' trail, about 1 mile to the lookout.


This is from the lookout, about a 30 minute walk down the trail. That area to the left is where the lava flowed over to the windward side of the island. Time to turn around.


Yikes! We quickly discovered that the walk out would take a little longer. Uphill at 10,000 through the lava dust.

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