She raised 9 boys, one major pain-in-the-butt girl (kidding Sandra), and almost exclusively by herself.
I love you, Mom!
See pictures of Young Mom. At the end is 2 complete letters from her dad to her when she was 10 yrs. old.
See video of Mom throughout the years.
See pics of Mom's House when it was being sold in about 2009.
- May 1, 1982 |
Mom and her sister Barbara - when was this? anybody? Glenn: "This picture was taken at a Computer Technicians Christmas Party in 2002. They are sitting on a bench in the Billiards Room at the Steelhead Brewery in Burlingame. We had dinner across the street at IL Fornio then had pool tournament with open bar at Steelhead. One of them drank, Guess Who??" |
Mom's mom 'Nana' in her waning years. Chris and Jamie with her in the back of a Limo. |
Mom and Josette - Nov, 2005. |
Mom and Brett admiring the living room floor. |
Mom and Brett admiring the dining room floor. |
Mom and Brett (not shown) admiring the kitchen floor. |
Mom's car - not looking too good. If you don't like the way she drives, stay off the sidewalk! |